Temple - Idols, secrets and death....

With the discovery that the legendary Incan Idol that had been so famously rumored about in history, was indeed made by the much sought after Thyrium, a radioactive material not of earth and which could only be found in certain meteors, the hunt for the Sergio manuscript, which speaks about the legendary journey by the young Incan Prince Renco to prevent the Idol from the Spanish conquistadors, is on.

The American government and the Neo-Nazis set out for the chase of the manuscript and through it they want to get a grab on the idol which could be used to develop a powerful nuclear weapon.

The manuscript provides a splendid tale of how a Prince who along with a monk, toiled hard to place the idol in safe hands.

Professor William Race, a Linguist, is recruited by the American Army to decrypt the manuscript. He is promised that he would have no participation with the search for the idol. But, Race finds himself forced into treading the dangerous path along with the army.

When at last the party arrives to a much concealed city to find the idol and when they find a temple there which is the supposed hiding place of the idol, they rejoice that the hard part is over. But little did they know about their later predicaments.

When the concealed temple’s hatch is indeed opened, all hell breaks loose and something deadly leaps out of the doors, immediately killing the entry team. To add up with the power mad Neo-Nazis, blood thirsty natives who guard the temple with vengeance and the deadly caiman that infests the rivers and all the water resources surrounding the lost city, they have to face the most deadly threats of all, the Rapas.
Some lessons are learned the hard way. The crew learns its lesson too. Some doors are to be left unopened.

Matthew Reilly is a famous Australian action thriller novel writer, who is famous for his fast paced stories filled with intense action. Generally, his stories does not contain much logic in the action sequences but it makes up for it with the intense action and un-put-down-able pace.

If you are the guy who would not mind the lack of logic in certain places and likes fast paced , intense death defying action , this book is for you.Also, try out ICESTATION by the same guy.


  1. роЖро░роо்рокிроЪ்роЪுроЯ்роЯாрой் ропா...!

    Nice intro dude !

  2. роЖроЩ்роХிро▓ роОродிро░்рок்рокு роХுро┤ுро╡ிрой் роЪாро░்рокாроХ ро╡рой்рооைропாроХ роХрог்роЯிроХ்роХிро▒ோроо்.рооேро▓ுроо் роЗрои்род рокродிро╡ை ро╡ிро│роХ்роХி родрооிро┤் рокродிро╡ு рокோроЯுрооாро▒ு рокோро░ாроЯ்роЯроо் роироЯைрокெро▒ுроо்

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. роЙрой்рой роЖроЩ்роХிро▓рооுроо் родрооிро┤ுроо் роЗро▓்ро▓ாрод роЗроЯрод்родுроХ்роХு роиாроЯுроХроЯрод்родройுроо்,

  5. роиро▓рооா роЗро▓ுрооி :)

  6. @роХீройு:
    роОроЩ்роХ роороЪ்роЪி,роЕро░рокு роиாроЯுроХро│ுроХ்роХா?роЖрооா,роиீ роОроЩ்роХ роЗро░ுроХ்роХ? ;)
    роЕрок்рок роЪро░ி :)

    роОрой்ройроп்ропா роЖро│ைропே роХாрогோроо்? :)

  7. роЗроЩ்роХிро▓ீроЪு..

    роЕродுро╡ுроо் роОроЩ்роХ роХிроЯ்роЯ..

    роиாро▓ு ро╡ро░ி рокроЯிроЪ்роЪேрой்.. роЕрок்рокுро▒роо் ро╡ிроЯ்роЯுроЯ்роЯேрой்..

    роОроЩ்роХைропா роХрод்родுроХ்роХро▒ே...


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